Gather and Grow recently had a booth at the First Things First Annual Children’s Art Exhibit with the Herberger Theater. Every year they engage with the Quality First child care centers and homes to create artwork with their students to be put on display at the Herberger Theater Center.
Families from across the Valley come to see their children’s works and participate in the different activities available from partner organizations.
This year’s theme was “Seasons” and we asked the children to create artwork that represents their favorite season and why.

Participants learn the steps to properly grow plants in the dirt
Seasons are a very important part of what Gather and Grow does for the community and what it hopes to teach children and families. By understanding the basics of our earth and how it works to create different gardening environments is one of the ways that Gather and Grow begins to teach children how they can become self sustainable.
With Lindsey from our Board of Directors at our booth, families got a chance to learn how to plant seeds at home! Lindsey showed them how easy it is to take a small seed and grow it into something incredible—all while giving your family a self-sustainable food source that can be used in salads or even as a garnish on your dinner table!
There was also an educational opportunity at the booth where children could learn what plants needed to grow. They were able to use stickers to create an interactive activity to make learning this information fun!
If your organization would like to partner with Gather and Grow to help share educational experiences, please contact us! We are also looking for volunteers to help us with these on-site activations throughout the valley at fun and exciting events! Head to our volunteer page to learn more.